The mission of the FITCLUB foundation is to provide fitness, nutritional and health opportunities to the youth of our community by linking industry professionals with schools in efforts to target students that may not have access, opportunity or ability to participate in traditional athletic programs.
What do we do?
- Bringing community trainers/gyms into the schools for after school workouts
- Bringing health and fitness guest speakers to the schools to motivate and empower our youth (Jose Rivera, 3 time world boxing champion)
- Bringing students to community gyms and health facilities for free workouts/training (after school field trips).
- Providing health, fitness, and mental wellness workshops to the students of our community.
- Providing students with special needs (physically, emotionally, or cognitively) access to fun fitness activities adapted to their needs.
- Providing a team atmosphere and the title of athlete to those who cannot participate in a traditional sports team.
- Sponsoring individual and family gym memberships and sports and competitions registration fees.
- Participating, organizing and hosting community events and activities for the youth of our community.
- Sponsoring local sports teams and individual athletes
- Connecting students to amazing community partners such as the Railer’s Ice Hockey and the Braveheart Baseball team.